Friday, August 1, 2008

Diagnosis: Blog Comatose

A good friend recently apologized on her blog for being "blog lazy" only after a few days of neglecting to post, so that must mean that I have been in blog comatose. Never fear, I have been awakened to my blogging folly and plan to redeem myself.

I'm sure most of you believed I had been swallowed in the woes of early pregnancy and that I was reluctant to eat my words of yore. Alas I have, as of yet, still been spared from morning sickness and everything is going fabulously. I had my first prenatal appointment yesterday and the doctor said both I and the baby are right on track. To my delight my doctor actually has an ultrasound done on the first appointment to make sure it is a viable pregnancy and to assess the risks of miscarriage. So it was so reassuring to see our little "peanut," hear his strong heartbeat and know that my body is supporting his development. Once I get the ultrasound photos scanned by someone gracious enough to let me use his scanner, i.e. Eric's dad, I'll post them so our small fry can be seen by all to enjoy.

Now if you haven't noticed I have been referring to our baby as a him. Here is my theory: if I expect a boy I will be prepared and excited to welcome him into our family of testosterone. And if it is a girl, I will be overwhelmed by surprise and joy to say the least. It's a win win really. But if any of you believe that a little girl isn't in the back of my mind clawing to get out (in a very feminine and girly way of course), you are definitely just as delusional as I am.

So I give my deepest regrets that I have not kept current on my blogging, but I will try and make it up with a number of posts to follow. The succeeding posts are what we have been up to this summer. Nothing too eventful but things I want to remember nonetheless.


Valeri said...

Rachel, your writing is so incredibly eloquent and inviting. I always love your posts. They could be paragraphs and paragraphs long and I'd still just enjoy every moment of reading them.

I said I was blog lazy because I hadn't posted anything significant lately (2 posts on my favorite show, which probably few people cared about - especially those who don't watch it). So I guess even though, yes, I'd posted recently, I didn't really feel like those posts counted. It was about quality, not quantity. There, did that clear it up? Haha.

So glad you hear all is well with little peanut. It's always reassuring to hear from the doc that everything is well! How are you feeling?

Unknown said...

you are forgiven.